Sunday, December 24, 2006

Setting up RoR dev environment in Ubuntu 6.10

1. Download and install eclipse
sudo apt-get install eclipse
2. Start Eclipse
3. If it fails complaining jre not found at /usr/lib/j2sdk1.4-sun/bin, copy from /usr/bin
cd /usr/lib
mkdir j2sdk1.4-sun
cd j2sdk1.4-sun
mkdir bin
cd bin
cp /usr/bin/java .
4. Start Eclipse
5. Install Subclipse plugin
Help->Software Updates->Find and Install
Select Search for new features to install
Click New Remote Site and enter
Name: Subclipse URL:
Finish Installation and restart Eclipse
6. Install Ruby Development Tools (RDT) plugin
Help->Software Updates->Find and Install
Select Search for new features to install
Click New Remote Site and enter
Name: RDT URL:
Finish Installation and restart Eclipse
7. Install Radrails plugin for Ruby on Rails development
Help->Software Updates->Find and Install
Select Search for new features to install
Click New Remote Site and enter
Name: RadRails URL:
Finish Installation and restart Eclipse
8. Setup svn repository
Windows->Open perspective->Other and select SVN Repository Exploring
In the SVN Repository view right click and select New->Repository Location
Enter your repository location like:
Enter user id and password

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